2006 Christmas CruiseThis year during the Christmas break we took as many of the family that could make it on a cruise to the Caribeann. Here we are trying to pose for a family picture on the main staircase on the ship. It was a great time, one that we will all remember. Everyone had a great time, of course getting there was an experience, but that is another story. You can tell by the tan faces that is not the first day.
A few days later, we were all swimming with the string-rays. This was a very interesting experience... They would swim up to you and rub your legs and the girls would then send out this wild scream!!!
It was lots of fun and there were many, many string rays and even more people.

The next stop was swimming with the Dolphins. Becky and Julie were in the water and the rest of us had a great time watching from the docks. Stan was looking for a pole and a hook.
It was great to see the things that these fish would do with our kids. Oh, and yes, they eat the Dolphins before they get in the water.

Here we are having a great time at Thanksgiving with the Ernst's. We were able to attend Sage's blessing and Corey's Birthday. What fun !!
Here is a shot of most all the guys getting ready for a fun time. Well at least we were having fun in the back of the pickup truck and Nancy thought it would be a qute shot.
Just to have equal time, here is a shot with most of the girls with new baby Sage.